climate map:
Subtropical climate refers to
zones in a range of latitudes between 30/40° and 45°. Date recovery and
analysis in these zones will show that the hot season duration is longer, while
the cold season is milder and rainy. The hot season duration is longer, while the cold
season is milder and rainy. A sub-type is the Mediterranean climate.
1 Pomegranate
Pomegranate is a fruit
bearing deciduous shrub or small tree between 5-8 meters. It is grown as fruit
crop as well as ornamental tree in parks. Pomegranate are drought tolerant and
can be grown in dry area with either winter rainfall climate or summer rainfall
climate. Edible fruit is berry, 5-12 cm in diameter with a rounded hexagonal
shape and has thick reddish skin.
Pomegranate is highly nutritious
fruit that supply sufficient amount of vitamins(a and k), fiber. It is tonic
for throat and heart. It is also known as blood builder. Because of its high nutritional and medicinal value it is regarded as high value crop in
Nepal and is popular among farmers and
raising and management
Propagation of pomegranate can be
done either through seeds or through hardwood cutting. Propagation through
seeds is easier and cheaper but there is no uniformity in fruit size and
quality. Thus propagation through hardwood cutting is popular and more trusted
way of propagation for commercial production of pomegranate because of
uniformity of fruits in size and quality and its quick production of fruits.
Propagation through
For propagation through seeds clean
seeds are soaked in water for 24 hours and are sprinkled over the well drained
soil but the seeds are not covered with soil. It takes about 30-40 days for the
seeds to germinate. After the seeds germination occurs the seedlings are
transferred to a container. Watering is done regularly in proper amount.
Seedlings are taken outside every day for few hours. Gradually the time that
seedlings spend outside is increased which prepares the seedlings for moving to
a permanent outdoor home.
Propagation through hardwood cutting
Cutting is taken in
dormant season. The tree enter a dormant period during winter months i.e.
November-January. One year old branch with buds at about 2 inch apart is cut at
base of branch. Ckecking is done whether it has green ring inside branch which
indicates that the branch is alive.the leaves are removed and the buttom end of
branch is dipped into rooting hormone. Then the branch is planted in pot (with
5o% sand and 50% potting soil). Cutting can be stored upto a week in a plastic
bag in a refrigerated area. After the leaves have appeared diluted liquid
fertilizer is applied. The soil is kept in warm and moist condition for
rooting. Now the cutting becomes ready for transplanting to permanent location.
Management of nursery
For the proper care of
nursery, the young plants are kept in shade to protect from direct sunlight.
Watering is done either early in the morning or in evening to protect it from
burning. watering is done at low
pressure with the use of nozzle. Proper drainage is ensured in the container.
Fungal diseases such as leaf spot, root rot are common so fungicide such as
borax, lime sulphur is used to protect plant from fungal infection. Aphids
cause twisting of young shoots and leaves. Scale insects damage leaves and stem. Endosulfan is used to
control these pest.
Lemon is small
evergreen tree native to Asia. Fruit is the edible part used for culinary and
non culinary purpose. It is a popular fruit used for various purposes such as
industrial, cleaning agent, medicinal purpose etc. It consists of trace amount
of various nutrients such as carbohydrate, fat, protein etc and is rich source
of vitamin c. because of its high nutritional,
medicinal and commercial value, it is popular crop.
Propagation techniques
of lemon can be done by seeds, cuttings, layering, budding or grafting.
Propagation through seeds
propagating through seeds, the seeds are removed from fruit and rinsed well
with plain water. The seeds are then placed in small container filled with well
drained pot soil. the container is then placed in warm place. The seeds will
sprout in one week. Now the seedling becomes ready for transplanting in
permanent location.
Propagation through cutings
In this method stem cutting of 6-8
inches is taken from new vigourous branch. All the leaves are removed leaving
two leaves. The branch is dipped into rooting hormone. Pencil is used to poke
the hole into which cutting is placed. Proper watering is done. The potted
cutting is placed in sealed plastic bag to keep the humidity high.
Propagation through
In this method of propagation, a
branch of new growth with diameter of
half inch is selected. Ring of bark is removed. Rooting hormone is applied to
the wound and moistened sphagnum moss is wrapped around the treated area. The
moss is covered with wrap and taped. Roots will grow from wound site while the
parent plant is still providing nourishment to the branch. When roots have
developed the new plant is cut from the parent plant and placed in pot.
Propagation through budding or grafting
Budding is particular form of
grafting best suited for propagation of citrus trees. In this method budwood is
collected from vigorous and healthy tree of good variety during the growth
period between April and November when the bark can be separated easily from
the wood. Budded twig that have begun to hardens collected carefully. Budwood
is trimmed to 8 or 12 inch in length. Root stock of vigorously growing variety
is selected. One inch vertical cut is made through bark of healthy root stock
stem about 6 inches above ground. At the bottom of vertical cut horizontal cut
is made. In this way inverted `T’ incision is made through the bark on root stock
stem several inches above the soil line. Now the bud is removed from budded
twig and inserted under the flaps of T cut of root stock. The graft is wrapped
with budded tape. The wrap is removed before 30th day after budding.
In case of grafting scion (branch
with 2-3 buds) is used in place of single bud to graft with root stock. The root stock should be of wild variety that is tolerant to the local soil type,
climate, diseases, drought etc. whereas the scion or bud should be of highly
productive variety.
of nursery
Nursery plants require due care and
attention after having either emerged from the seeds or have been raised from
other sources like root stock or through tissue culture technique. Generally
they are grown in the open field under the protection of mother nature where,
they should be able to face the local environment. It is the duty & main
objective of a commercial nursery grower to supply the nursery plants with
suitable conditions necessary for their development & growth. This is the
major work of management in the nursery which includes all such operations
right from the emergence of young plant let till they are fully grown-up or are
ready for uprooting & transplanting in the main fields.
1) Potting the seedling
Before planting
of sapling in the pots, the pots should be filled up with proper potting
mixture. Now a days different size of earthen pots or plastic containers are
used for propagation. For filling of pots loamy soil, sand and compost can be
used in 1:1:1 proportion. Sprouted cuttings, bulbs, corms or polythene bag
grown plants can be transferred in earthen pots for further growth. All the
necessary precautions are taken before filling the pots and planting of sapling
in it.
2) Manuring & Irrigation
sufficient quantity of nutrients is not available in the soil used for seedbed.
Hence, well rotten F.Y.M / compost and leaf mould is added to soil. Rooted
cuttings, layers or grafted plants till they are transferred to the permanent
location, require fertilizers. Addition of fertilizers will give healthy &
vigorous plants with good root & shoot system. It is recommended that each
nursery bed of 10 X 10m area should be given 300 gm of ammonium sulphate, 500
gm of Single super phosphate and 100 gm of Muriate of potash. Irrigation either
in the nursery beds or watering the pots is an important operation. For potted
plants hand watering is done & for beds low pressure irrigation by hose
pipe is usually given. Heavy irrigation should be avoided.
3) Plant protection measures
of plant protection measures, well in advance and in a planned manner is
necessary for the efficient raising of nursery plants. For better protection
from pest and diseases regular observation is essential. Disease control in
seedbed:- The major disease of nursery stage plant is “damping off”. For its
control good sanitation conditions are necessary. Preventive measures like
treatment with 50% ethyl alcohol, 0.2% calcium hypo chloride and 0.01% mercury
chloride is done. These treatments are given for 5 to 30 minutes. Some of the
seed treatment are as follows: i) Disinfection – The infection within the seed
is eliminated by use of formaldehyde, hot water or mercuric chloride. ii) Hot
water treatment – Dry seeds are placed in hot water having a temperature of
480C – 550C for 10-30 minutes. iii) Protection – In dry seed treatment organo
mercuric and non-mercuric compounds like agallal, aretan –6, and tafasan-6. For
this the seeds are shaken within the seed container. While in wet method, the
seeds are immersed for certain period in liquid suspension. iv) Soil treatment
– Soil contains harmful fungi, bacteria, nematodes and even weeds seeds, which
affect the growth and further development of plant. These can be eliminated by
heat, chemical treatment. For that soil is disinfected by heating to the
temperature of about 600C for 30 minutes. v) Chemical treatment – the chemicals
like formaldehyde, methyl bromide, chloropicrin, vapam are used. Other diseases
like rust, powdery mildew, leaf spot, bacterial blight, yellow vein mosaic are
also observed. For control of these diseases Bordeaux mixture, Carbendazime, Redomil
can be used. Tricoderma viridi a bio-fungicide can also be tried out.
4) Weed control
compete with plants for food, space and other essentials. So timely control of
weeds is necessary. For weed control weeding, use of cover crops, mulching, use
of chemicals (weedicides) are practiced. Pre-emergence weedicides like Basaline
or post-emergence weedicide like 2; 4-D and Roundup are useful.
5) Measures against
heat and cold
The younger seedling is
susceptible to strong sun and low temperature. For protection from strong sun,
shading with the help of timber framework of 1 meter height may be used. Net
house and green house structures can also be used.
6) Packing of nursery plants
Packing is the method or way in
which the young plants are tied or kept together till they are transplanted. So
they have to be packed in such a way that they do not lose their turgidity and
are able to establish themselves on the new site. At the same time, good
packing ensures their success on transplanting. For packing baskets, wooden
boxes, plastic bags are used. In some parts of the country banana leaves are
also used for packing the plants with their earth ball. This is useful for
local transportation.
7) Sale management
In general the main demand for
nursery plants is during rainy season. A proper strategy should be followed for
sale of nursery plants. For that advertisement in local daily newspapers,
posters, hand bills, catalogue and appointment of commission agents can be
8) Management of mother plants
Care of mother
plants is necessary so as to get good quality propagules and scion. A. Labeling
and records B. Certification C. Irrigation D. Fertilization E. Pruning F.
Protection from pests and diseases Collection and development of new mother
plants Fruit Nurseries.
At present, only 6 to 8 months old shoots are used for preparing cuttings. A technology has been developed to use the soft and semi-soft wood green portion of the shoots as multiplication materials. However, soft wood (green) cuttings cannot be planted in the farmers’ field directly or in the regular nursery. Saplings need to be raised in the nursery specially developed for this purpose and 3 to 4 months old saplings can be supplied to the farmers.
Preparation of cuttings: Prepare 15 to 20 cm long cuttings with one or two top leaves intact. Cut the upper end of the cuttings horizontally above a bud and the bottom obliquely below a bud. Cuttings must be bundled (20 to 30 per bundle) with lower cuts arranged on the same plane. Dip the base of cuttings (2 to 3 cm) in 20 ppm NAA for 24 hours. After washing in water, plant them in the nursery bed.
Preparation of nursery beds: Select a site with fertile soil and good irrigation facility. Sufficient compost or FYM must be mixed with the soil. Make raised beds of 5 cm high and 120 cm wide. The length of the bed may be kept at 240 cm, but can be made longer as per the requirement and convenience.
Plantation: Green wood cuttings prepared as above are planted in the nursery bed. It is advisable to plant in the evening to avoid bright sunshine. Cuttings are planted at 8 to 10 cm distance from each other in a row. About 5 cm of the base of cutting is inserted in the ground, shallower the insertion, better is rooting. After insertion, sprinkle water and cover the whole bed, as explained below.
Covering the nursery beds: Cover the whole bed with transparent polythene sheet supported with bamboo frames in a dome shaped manner to prevent the entry of outside air and to maintain high moisture inside the cover. The height of the cover at the central portion is kept at 50-60 cm above the bed. Above the polythene cover, gunny cloth is spread to serve as sunshade. The ideal temperature for rooting is 25-30˚C with light intensity of 2000 lux. Care should be taken to maintain proper temperature and light intensity. If the beds are not prepared under the shade of tree, provide another layer of gunny cloth on the top.
Maintenance: Not so much watering is required. If the bed appears dry, irrigate the channel made outside the beds. By seepage, the nursery beds will be moistened.
Removal of shade: When more than 10 roots per cutting appear, it is the right time to remove the shade. Generally, this condition comes after 35-40 days of planting. While removing the polythene sheet, remove one side one day and the other side on the second day. Fertilizer may be applied on the day of removing the sunshade and 2-3 weeks later. After 3 to 4 months, saplings are ready for plantation in regular plots. The methods are the same for uprooting, transport and planting, as in the case of raising saplings from hard wood cuttings.
Production cost and economic viability: The technology is to facilitate fast multiplication of the limited availability of seed material of improved mulberry varieties. It also matches where mulberry is harvested by repeated shoot pruning and the plants do not attain the required maturity for raising saplings following conventional system. Commercially, it is possible to raise roughly 1.8 lakh saplings in 1 acre in a year costing Rs.0.40 per sapling.
Precautions: Do not transport green wood cuttings over long distance, as cuttings will have to be prepared with two green leaves intact, and in as fresh condition as possible
Family: Myrtaceae
Genus: Psidium
Varieties: In Nepal most of guava varieties
Allahabad Safeda
Chinese Guava
Red Fleshed
Nursery preparation and management technique:
Seed germination and care of seedlings – Guava seeds should be thoroughly cleaned soon after extraction from the fruits. It is necessary to treat the seeds with fungicides to prevent damping-off. They should be planted early to ensure high germination. Germinated seeds in beds or boxes with a medium of fine sand or an equal mixture of sand and topsoil. They must be shown evenly in the furrows 2-3 cm apart and lightly cover with soil 0.5 – 1.0 cm deep. Water must be given regularly to keep the soil moist.
seedlings must be protected against insect pests and diseases by spraying
insecticides and/or fungicides. A month after emergence or when the
first true leaves have formed transplant them in individual containers, like
polybags using medium clay loam soil mixed with compost. Partial shading
is necessary until the plant has recovered its growth. The plant is
ready for planting or as root stocks after one year.
Propagation – Guava is usually propagated by seeds. It can be propagated asexually through root suckers, root cutting, grafting, marcotting, budding, grafting and inarching.
Seed Propagation – Propagation of guava is nearly always by seeds. Guavas are open-pollinated producing seedlings, which are highly variable in character. Variability in seedlings can be minimized by hand –self-pollination or individual flowers.
Root suckers and root cuttings – The use of root suckers is probably the oldest method of asexually propagating guava. Root suckers are induced by severing roots to a few feet from the base of the plants and these are transferred when roots and shoots are established.
Root cutting is done by cutting about 12-20 cm long
parts of any butt very small or very large roots. These can be
induced to sprout and form new plants provided it is placed in a suitable
medium in a well-drained propagating bed. Both the use of root
suckers and root cuttings are relatively slow methods of propagating guava.
Budding –
An efficient vegetative propagation is by budding selected variety on seedling
rootstock. Both the patch bud and forkert techniques are recommended
onto seedling rootstock. The diameter of seedling stock and budwood
should be from 15-25 mm. Budwood should be mature, bark no longer
green. Condition the budwood by cutting off the leaves of selected
branches 10-14 days before removing the branches for budwood. During
this period the buds become more enlarged and grow more readily after budding.
layering – For this method, low branches of guava are bent
down, about 12 – 15 cm of the branch is covered with soil and kept damp to
induce root formation.
cuttings – Propagation by stem
cuttings is made from the young wood at the end of the
branches. These are rooted in sandy loam soil in propagating bed in
a nursery house or shed. Guava stem cuttings treated with Indole
Butyric Acid (IBA) or Napthalene Acetic Acid (NAA) proved to be successful for
rooting and produce numerous and vigorous roots.
Family: Ebanaceae
Genus: Diospyros
Ichi Kei Jiro
Hana Fuyu
Great Wall
Persimmons, like most deciduous tree
fruits, do not reproduce true to type from seed. Seedlings used for propagation
can be grown from fresh seed that has been extracted during autumn from ripe
fruit. To facilitate extraction the fruit may first be fermented in drums. The
collected seed is washed and stored dry.
The seed is sometimes germinated in
flat trays and when 15 to 20 cm high the seedlings are transplanted into the
nursery rows during spring. Seed may also be planted directly in nursery rows
30cm apart in rows 1m apart or planted directly into long nursery containers to
accommodate the plant’s tap root system. Take care at this stage to prevent
loss of roots through drying out.
Seedlings are usually large enough
for budding or grafting at the end of the first season’s growth.
Grafting is carried out when both
stock and scion are dormant. Scion wood is collected from vigorous growth made
during the previous season. This wood should be no less than 6mm in diameter
and about 10cm long and contain three or four buds. The most common graft used
is the whip and tongue.
Large galls (swellings) develop
around the crown with smaller marble-size galls on larger roots. Persimmons are
very susceptible to crown gall and it is essential to treat seedlings and
nursery trees with a registered inoculant before planting.
5.BER(Zizyphus mauritiana)
BER (Zizyphus mauritiana Lamk) is an ancient and indigenous fruit of
India, China and Malaysia region. The fruits are very nutritious and are rich
in vitamin C, A & B complex. The ber is one of the most common fruit trees
of India and is cultivated practically all over the country. Ber fruits can be
within the reach of the poor people and hence known as poor man's fruit.
Raising Of Root stock:
Seeds of katha ber are generally
used for raising root stock, which are easily available form the wild-growing
trees and possess the qualities of a good root stock. The germination of seed
is quite difficult on account of stony nature of the endocarp which contains
the seed. A large percentage of seed stones are non-viable and require
elimination at the time of sowing. The seeds collected from fully ripe fruits
are generally viable
The ber seeds can also be sown by cracking the hard shell. They
germinate in about 8-10 days. However, for commercial purpose, stones should be
sown as such to avoided injury to embryos. To get best root-stock, it is
important that seed should be collected only from healthy and vigorous katha
ber trees
The freshly extracted stones are sown
during March-April in well-prepared field at a distance of 15 cm in rows 30 cm
a part. Germination starts in about 3-4 weeks.
The root stock seedlings can also be raised in the polythene bags (30X 22.5 cm ). This helps in the better
transportation of the plants. The ber seed can also be sown in the field at
desirable distances and budding is done in situ, but success is less as they
need a lot of care and irrigation during the dry and months.
Clonal propagation of ber root stock can be done by mound or stool
Budding Of Root stock :
The root stock seedlings should be healthy and vigorous and only one
shoot is allowed to develop on each plant. These are budded when they attain
pencil thickness.
Bud-sticks should be taken only from selected trees which are known for
bearing a heavy fruit crop of good quality. The mother plant should be taken
only from selected trees which are known for bearing a heavy fruit crop of good
quality. The mother plant should be true-to- type,healthy,vigorous and free
from disease and insect-pests. Two to three months old shoots about 30 cm long
with plump buds should be selected as bud-sticks. About 20cm long bud-sticks
should be taken for sending to distant places. The leaves of the bud-sticks should be cut away,
keeping the leaf stalks intact. These should be tied in small bundles and
wrapped in moist piece of cloth or gunny bag, to keep them moist till they are
used for budding. The bud-sticks can be kept for 2-3 days in good condition.
Budding Operation :
The propagation of ber by ‘T-budding’ is the most successful method and
easy to perform. Budding operation should be done when there is proper flow of
sapin the stock. ‘T’-budding is done during March-April or August-September,
but it has been found that August-September budding gives better success.
plants budded in april usually become saleable in August- September, whereas
those budded in rainy season are ready for sale by next February-March.
Plant propagation is defined as the
multiplication of plants. The propagation of fruit plants includes sexual and
asexual or vegetative methods. In the sexual method, the plants are raised by
sowing seeds on well prepared raised seed beds and the resultant plant are
known as seedling. However, the seedling are not uniform in growth,ripening,
yielding ability and fruit quality except those which are raised from
poly embryonic seeds.
Asexual or vegetative propagation is
a reproduction by means of vegetative parts of plants such as roots, shoots, or
leaves. In many plants detached vegetative parts have the capacity to
regenerate either a new root system (stem cutting), a new shoot system (root
cutting) or both are able to unite with another plant part.
Pre treatment is beneficial. Storage
of the seed for 4 months to let it after-ripen improves germination. The hard
stone restricts germination and cracking the shell or extraction of seeds
hastens germination. Without pre treatment the seeds normally germinate within
six weeks whereas extracted seeds only need one week to germinate
Seedlings to be used as root stock
can be raised from seed. Several studies indicate that germination can be
improved by soaking seeds in sulfuric acid. Germination time can also be
shortened to 7 days by carefully cracking the endocarp. Ber seedlings do not
tolerate transplanting, therefore the best alternatives are to sow the seeds
directly in the field or to use polythene tubes placed in the nursery bed.
Seedlings are ready for budding in 3 to 4 months. In addition, seedlings from
the wild cultivars can be converted into improved cultivars by top- working and
grafting. Nurseries are used for large scale seedling multiplication and graft
production. The seedlings should also be given full light. The seedlings may
need as long as 15 months in the nursery before planting in the field.
6. Mandarin
Mandarin (Citrus reticulata), tropical and
sub-tropical tree belonging to the family Rutaceae which fruit is popular. The
mandarin orange is also known as the mandarin or mandarina , is a small tree with fruit
resembling to other orange. They are good source of vitamins and minerals. The
fruit is often consumed fresh. It may also be canned in syrup or made into
juice. Mandarin oil is used to flavor carbonated beverages. The mandarin is
tender and easily damaged by cold.
and soil
Mandarins grow successfully in all frost free tropical
and subtropical regions of the country. They are adapted well to sub
mountainous tracts 370-1,500 m above mean sea level and temperature 10-35 C. The
mandarins may be grown in a wide variety of soils but medium or light loamy
soils with slightly heavy sub soil, well drained with pH of 6.0 -8.0 are ideal.
Propagation and root stock
Following methods can be used for propagation in
By seed
quality planting material, select uniformly matured fruits from healthy,
true-to-type and heavy bearing plants to extract seeds. Freshly extracted
seeds should be mixed with ash and dried in shade. Seeds should be sown
immediately after extraction. Otherwise, they may loose their
viability. Seeds are sown at a distance of 2-3 cm. germination may take
place within 3-4 weeks. Since the seeds are polyembryonic, the sexual
seedlings which are stunted and poor in growth are rogued out and the rest that
are produced from the cells of nacelles are allowed to grow. The
seedlings, thus, selected are more or less uniform in growth and
production. Every care must be exercised to protect the seedlings in the
nursery from weeds, insect pests and diseases.
various vegetative methods, T-budding is by and large the most common method
followed. Selection of a suitable root stock for a particular region and
proper mother plant are important steps. Many root stocks have been used
for different mandarin cultivars in different regions.
Seeds of identified root stock for a particular
area should be extracted from fully matured, healthy fruits. They are
sown in lines (10-15 cm deep) on raised seed-beds inside a polyethylene house.
About 1-2 months old seedlings are shifted to secondary beds. These are
finally budded when they attain a height of 25- 30 cm and 1-2 cm
diameter. Scion should be selected from healthy, vigorous, mature, virus-
free and high yielding trees. They should also be free from water sprouts
and chimeras. Further use of dormant scion bud wood from past season’s
growth is used after it has hardened. The bud wood should be taken from
round or cylindrical green twigs.
Optimum time for budding varies according to the
place. It may be done at a time, when there is free flow of sap and bark
slips easily.
planting is done during monsoon in all mandarin-growing areas. In sub
mountainous tracts, where planting is generally done on slopes, proper terraces
are necessary, while in plains the land should be leveled properly.
Usually mandarins are planted in pits of 50 cm x 50 cm x 50 cm sizes in a
square system with spacing of 4.5 m -6 m, accommodating 350-350 plants/
are a serious problem in mandarin nursery and young plantations. Major weeds
can be controlled by hand palling, hoeing, burning and tillage. However,
frequent tillage may destroy the surface structure of soil, thus lowering the
water holding capacity and permeability of soil. So better way to
eradicate weeds is use weedicides. Pre emergence application of Diuron( 5kg /ha) or Terbacil (4.5 kg/ha) or
post emergence application of Atrazine (5-6 kg/ha) controls weeds
significantly. Further, Bromocil (6kg/ ha) is most effective in
controlling both monocot and dicot weeds. Glyphosate ( 5 liters/ ha) is
most effective in controlling perennial grasses.
and fertilization
young plants are manure once a year, while bearing plants more than once.
Total amount of P and K fertilizers is applied at one time, while N fertilizers
are applied in two or three split doses. In some areas, manures are added
twice a year, once during June and another after harvesting in December-
It is very difficult to recommend any single fertilizer schedule for mandarins
as fertilizer requirement is guided by soil fertility, pervious fertilizer use,
nutrients removed by crop, leaching losses and scion cultivar which is further
modified by rainfall, temperature, stock- scion combination and age of the
tree. There are no scientific recommendations on Manuring of young
mandarin plants. However, application of 20 -25kg farmyard manure
together with 0.4 kg calcium ammonium nitrate is recommended at the time of
planting. A mixture of 90 g each of N, P, K/ tree may be applied in first
year after planting. This dose may be gradually increased to 450 g each
of N a
or deficiency of soil moisture creates adverse effects on mandarin nursery.
Irrigation requirement of mandarins is higher than other fruit trees because of
their evergreen nature, active growth and development throughout the
year. It depends on water holding capacity of soil, climatic condition,
age of the plant and variety. . In winter season, mandarins should
be watered at 10-15 days intervals, while in summer at 5-7 days.
root activity of mandarins is confined to a radial distance of 120 cm and to a
depth of 24 cm, too much wetting should be
avoided. Plants should be irrigated at 8-10 days interval, during
Fruit cultivation is one of the most important aspect of the
agriculture farming in Nepal.It plays a major role in the economic section of
the country,whereas most of the part of the country is hilly that means lots of subtropical fruit
production.But the production of these fruits is not quite good as there is the
traditional method of propagating them.The scientific method is being followed
but it is growing slowly,different government and non government organizations
are helping the production of these go larger.Hence nursery raising or scientic
propagation is very important in order to get huge amount of profit.
To:- Mr.Bishnu P.
Department of
Submitted By:-Deepa Adhikari
Bikash kc
Binod kharel
Dilip Maharjan
Bindu Hamal
Chitra Gc
Himalayan College of Agricultural
Sciences and Technology (HICAST)
kalanki .
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